
I think we all knew I was lying...

When I said I would be posting more sporadically.

1. I love these and had to post them via Vintage Glam Blog

2. I just wanna say that I love wedding planning. Yes I love it and just like other brides I love talking about my ideas. But honestly I don't care (that much). I care way more about whether I pass the bar exam or whether I will get the chance to travel and see the world, then I do about this one day. So yea I give anyone permission to roll their eyes at me during this process. But just remember, chances are you would do the same :p cause its fun to plan fancy parties for your friends and loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get to travel the world, there are so many beautiful things out there ;)

    Keep up the good work on your blog, I love it!
