

So I bought an invitation kit this week. I did the math and I originally thought, if I bought paper and envelopes and then did it all from scratch I could really save. But time is money my friends and really buying something that is already 50% complete is "cheaper" then coming up with a basic concept, buying all the things you need (and making sure not to buy too much) and then putting them altogether. With the kit the basics are there and you are free to embellish and add as you wish.

It's exciting because now I can start playing around with wording and designs to compliment the invite.

I am a firm believer in keeping it simple. Unless you are truly talented (which I am not) when it comes to design, the simpler the design the less likely you are to mess it up.

Something as simple as this

via wedding channel


  1. PRETTTY I want to see them in person!
    so what does Gav have to say about the missing tandem bicycle?

  2. mary told us an important story that somewhat nixed the bike invites. lol
