

So I bought an invitation kit this week. I did the math and I originally thought, if I bought paper and envelopes and then did it all from scratch I could really save. But time is money my friends and really buying something that is already 50% complete is "cheaper" then coming up with a basic concept, buying all the things you need (and making sure not to buy too much) and then putting them altogether. With the kit the basics are there and you are free to embellish and add as you wish.

It's exciting because now I can start playing around with wording and designs to compliment the invite.

I am a firm believer in keeping it simple. Unless you are truly talented (which I am not) when it comes to design, the simpler the design the less likely you are to mess it up.

Something as simple as this

via wedding channel



This past weekend I went to a wonderfully fabulous wedding. The bride looked stunning. She wore the same gorgeous veil that her mother and late aunt wore to their weddings. It was the perfect touch.

I don't really have anything to wear which will be passed down to me. No veils or dresses. No jewelry or handkerchiefs. Nothing really. BUT I do know that I want to carry something of meaning with me down the aisle. So I have decided to wear the pearls I received as a bridesmaid gift from a friend and the shoes I wore in another friend's wedding. This way I can carry a little something with me that will tie me together to my friends.

It may not be a kick ass veil but it will do.


On target

I think I obsess about the BM dresses so much because I have been a bridesmaid before and I know that it can be the most stressful aspect of being a BM. I really don't want any of my friends to have to stress so I am stressing for them :)

I think I have finally come to a compromise in my brain. Chocolate brown with cream. The dresses can be solid or patterned whichever the maid prefers and it will all be tied together with a cream shawl.

And since fall lines are out now some great dresses can be found at target for under $40 like this dress below!



I am not sure how I feel about veils. I change my mind from day to day. Birdcage, mantilla, short and sweet or just a simple flower or something else entirely, maybe even nothing at all!

Since I don't have to decide today, I thought I would collect some fun, unique, and pretty hair accessories from a great etsy shop, Dana Castle has some amazing hair pieces.

I really like the first head band and I think it would go well with a hair style like this

My Chariot

We spent the weekend at Lake George with our parents. It truly was a great weekend and our parents got the chance to finally spend time together for more than a day. We even went to dinner at Dunham's Bay and scoped out the ceremony location. The most exciting aspect of the weekend however was when FI's parents found and bought a gorgeous wooden boat from the 1960's! After some work it will be absolutely stunning and the best part is it will also be my arrival vehicle for the ceremony! I had been wondering how I was going to arrive and this is perfect.


I guess it is OUR wedding

After forcing the FI to look at color themes last night he was not too thrilled with what I had chosen thus far, he felt it was too dark. In particular he didn't like the burgundy/chocolate brown combo. He wanted more of a "pop" and he liked the idea of bright red. I tried to tell him that there will be red, in the apple centerpieces, but his nose remained crinkled while he looked at my carefully chosen color combo. Sigh.

I don't know how bright red will go with the BM dresses especially if they are solid chocolate brown. So I thought well maybe if I just take out the burgundy and lighten up the dresses it will "pop" without a third color.

I found these gorgeous dresses today and I think that maybe a chocolate brown/ivory combo dress would look cute.

This dress is currently on sale at Macy's for $40!

This one is on sale at Dillard's for $48

and this one is from edressme and is $92

If each bridesmaid wore a different dress it would definitely look pretty, and be lighter than all brown. Plus it would add to the casual vibe and there may not even be a need to add another color into the bridesmaid's attire, simple ivory bouquets and brown jewelery or pearls would be all that is needed.

What do you ladies think?


Is it just me

or couldn't they have used a different color napkin to fold the candle.
