
wheat bouquets

I love this idea for me

and this for the BMs!



at around $4 a bunch this is a very exciting option

tie some ribbon around the middle scatter some gourds and mini pumpkins around the base and it could look like this and very elegant!


out of my gourd

Martha and Country Living know the key to my heart.

Ideas like these...

Combine to create something like this


um exactly

this couple totally understands my donut idea

Keeping it edible

Keeping with the favor/edible centerpiece options

Donuts! via Brenda's Wedding blog and Martha

Ours would be apple cider donuts of course.


Centerpiece Fiasco 2009

By now I am sure everyone has heard about the centerpiece disaster (not really) no need to re-hash it here, but the apples are out (well at least for now).

So today I did some browsing on my lunch break at the local garden center trying to get some ideas. Here are some of the pics I took to inspire me!

I am falling in love with the mini white pumpkins, I had considered them before but I was shying away from pumpkins for various reasons. However, I really do think they are elegant and simple.


centerpiece mock up

So I made a mock-up of my apple centerpiece idea. We went to a local farm on Sunday, and bought apple cider donuts, hot apple cider, white mini pumpkins, some funky squash, and this...

I didn't think I was going to love it as much as I do. So that's exciting, the FI thinks its a little too plain and he was trying to come up with ideas on what to do to make it stand out more. Like something around the base? Or maybe we can add small flowers on the table? Any ideas?

I think I am going to add brown ribbon around the center of the basket. And I have to figure out table numbers or names. We were playing with the idea of trying to find a different kind of apple for each table and naming the table after each apple. But that sounds difficult.

So many options!



We met with the "potential" wedding photographer yesterday. I say potential because really barring some sort of catastrophe he will be our photographer. He is a friend of a friend which makes us super happy and he understands our "vision" whatever that means. Plus the price is something we are comfortable with which helps a tremendous amount. Photography is important but it wasn't something I was willing to spend thousands of dollars on, mainly because we don't have that kind of money to spend, lol.

Oh and for my readership, he had a picture in his portfolio of a bride with a LAMA. We were sold right there.


This might change everything

I just found a beautiful centerpiece on etsy, that I am currently struggling to not immediately purchase. If I were to purchase it and was to discover that it's as fabulous as I anticipate I would then need to immediately order 20 more for the wedding.

What do you think?

She has them listed at $16.50 a piece! That is kind of a steal, a little more then my original idea but they are so gorgeous, I don't know what to do!


Current Love

I love everything about this etsy shop

the middle one is my favorite


Cute as a Button

Button Bouquets look like they could be a lot of fun to make and it could be a lot of fun to collect all the buttons over the next year...

via lil fish studios


wedding word of the day

bliss(ed) out. It can be seen here, here and here

Who knew.

faking it

I have to decide whether I want real flowers or if I can live with fake flowers for the bouquets. I am not really sure yet, but I did make a trip to the craft store and quickly pulled together this:

It definitely looked fake but I liked the style, I am going to have to play around with different flowers real and fake and figure it out.